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Introduction Anemia Common Anemia Type Causes Health Care Self-diagnosis

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Health Care

¡@ When you know that you have anemia, you should find the causes and take the right prescriptions. It is also important to have well health care including diets, medication and living.

Regular checkup for well control

¡@ Anemia is one of the common blood diseases. Most people think that lack of nutrition is key to the disease. According to hematologists doctor Cheng-jun Wang's suggestion, there are many causes of anemia. If anyone who feels symptoms of anemia, s/he should have blood checkup and consult with doctors to diagnose the types of anemia. It is suitable for not only women but also men who don't have specific symptoms. There are three suggested blood checkups as follows:

¡´ Checkup of red blood cell numbers (RBCs)

¡@ We can detect anemia degree from one cubic mm of red blood cell numbers currently. Formal value of male adult is around 4 million to 6 million / UL; female adult is around 3.8 million to 5.5 million / UL.

¡´ Checkup of haem value

¡@ Haem is composed of multiple polymer of polypeptides in the red blood cells that is responsible to carry oxygen in the bloods. We can detect degree and types of anemia if congenial or acquired pathological changes. Normal value of haem for male is around 14 to 18 g / dl; that of female is around 12.5 to 16g / dl.

¡´ Checkup of Hematocrit (HCT)

¡@ HCT means capacity of red blood cells in the bloods and is shown by percentage. Normal value of male is from 42 % to 58%; that of female is around 38 % of 48%. Anemia syndromes are approved when HCT of male is below 41 % and that of female is below 37%.

Health Care

¡@ Differential methods are not only dizziness and pale look; treatments of anemia are not only taking more foods helpful for production of blood. You should find cause of the disease first and then take right preventive measures. Suggested preventive and cure measures are as below:

1. Health care of iron deficiency anemia and anemia due to hemorrhage

¡´ Diets
Having haemopoietic foods (foods that help to form blood) such as animal protein, iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B and folic acid.

¡´ Medication
ntaking iron supplements is one effective way. Not drinking milk, tea or coffee after taking iron supplements. You'd better have food containing rich Vitamin C to enhance implementation of iron.

¡´ Living
If you have any ulcer or chronic blood loss disease, you shall accept treatment as early as possible to lessen the syndrome. Prevent from infectious diseases to reduce consumption of energy and nutrition. Infectious diseases may even cause disorder of digestive function and reduce intake of iron.

2. Heath care of pernicious anemia

¡´ Diets
Don't have ill-balanced feeding. Take more foods containing Vitamin B12 and folic acid such as livers, kidneys, lean meats, milk, eggs, haricot bean, dark-green vegetables, lemons, melons and cucumis melo.

¡´ Medication
Implement drugs of folic acid and Vitamin B12.
¡´ Living
Patients with pernicious anemia cannot intake Vitamin B12 and folic acid due to lack of stomach secretion and intrinsic factors. They shall pay more attention to their stomach and intestines and shall not have inappropriate eating habit to enhance burden of intestines.

3. Health Care of aplastic anemia

¡´ Diets
Take easily-digestive foods with high calories and rich vitamins.

¡´ Medication
Prevent from drug abuse. Don't take drugs that affect hematopoiesis of bone marrows including chloramphenicol (antibiotics), specific anodyne, anticonvulsant, sulfonamide and hair dye with benzene. Follow doctors' instruction in taking any medicine only under.

¡´ Living
Don't get close to radioactive rays or isotope. Don't have sex frequently to save energy. Paying attention to infection of the diseases to worsen your syndrome. Paying attention to oral and skin sanitary. Don't pick your nose in the wrong way. Brushing your teeth with a toothbrush with soft hairs.

4. Health care of haemolytic anemia and thalassemia

¡´ Diets
Patients with favism (Lack of glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase in RBCs) shall not take broad beans. Patients with favism shall not eat acid foods that would stimulate hemolysis. Patients with Thalassaemia shall not eat rich iron-containing foods.

¡´ Medication
Patients with favism shall not take Sulfonamides, SAs and insect-repellent camphor ball to avoid hemolysis.

¡´ Living
During the treatment period, patients should pay attention to blood changes and avoid infections. Patients should be sent to the hospitals when having shock or renal failure caused by acute hemolysis symptom. Patients who take Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) shall pay attention to side effects. Patients could take excise of spleen or bone marrow transplant if they need to take a large amount of dosage to stop hemolysis.

Introduction Anemia
Common Anemia Types
Health Care



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