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Osteoporosis Treatment Prevention Self-check

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¡@ Fifteen preventive diets¡@ Exercise and health care¡@ High Risk Groups


Fifteen preventive diets

¡@ Calcium loss is the major cause of Osteoporosis. Therefore, taking Calcium is important and you should do it as early as possible. You need to pay attention to your Calcium intake all your life to prevent osteoporosis.

¡@ According to experts, teenagers need around 1200 mg of Calcium, women need around 1000 mg, and women after menopause need around 1500 mg per day.
As for the diets, experts also indicate following instructions:

1. Keep balanced nutrition. This can help the body to assimilate enough Calcium and prevent ill-balanced feeding and malnutrition that may lead to reduction of female hormone. Balanced diets containing enough Vitamin C, zinc, manganese (Mn) and copper can also prevent bone loss.

2. Drink milk and eat dairy foods like yogurt, cheese and ice cream. Don't over-heating milk because that destroys enzyme and hinder assimilation of Calcium. People who don't want to gain weight can choose low-fat dairy foods. Patients with Lactose Intolerance should eat dairy foods in small quantity and in gradual progress, or choice other foods containing rich Calcium.

3. Avoid eating too much meat and processed food. Those foods contain high protein and phosphorous that prevents assimilation of Calcium.

4. Have low-salt and low-fat diets. Taking excess salt and fat affects assimilation of Calcium.

5. Eat more tiny dried fish and fish cans containing tiny fishbones.

6. Have more high-Calcium foods like beans, processed bean products, eggs, water convolvulus (water spinach), rapes, shellfishes, seaweeds and black moss.

7. Some vinegar in the diet can help the assimilation of Calcium.

8. Pork chops and bones have most Calcium. Add some vinegar when stewing pork chop or bone soups to help the dissolution of Calcium in soups and the better assimilation.

9. Eat less sweet foods. Too much sugar would affect assimilation of Calcium that hence causes Osteoporosis.

10. Blood Calcium is generated from bones when you sleep. Therefore, have a glass of milk or some fish food is helpful to assimilate Calcium and prevent Calcium dissolution.

11. Don't drink alcohol and stop smoking. Those lead to reduction of female hormone and hinder assimilation of Calcium.

12. If taking Calcium tablet, take it with juice one hour before breakfast. It helps to stimulate secretion of gastric hydrochloric acid and increase assimilation of Calcium.

13. Avoid eating Calcium-rich food together with food containing oxalic acid like spinach. These two materials will form calcium oxalate, which reduces assimilation of Calcium.

14. Take enough Calcium during the growth, pregnant and breast-feeding periods.

15. Be careful when taking certain medicines that affect assimilation of Calcium and metabolism.


Exercise and health care

¡@ Osteoporosis is one the most common disorder in the modern society. About more than fifty percent of citizens belongs to risk groups. Precautions include early education of bone mass storage since childhood, balanced diets and health care, Calcium supplements and Vitamin D supplements. In addition, frequent sunbath and exercise are both effective precautions. Dr. Sin-Zo Huang suggested following tips:

1. Daily proper sunbath can enhance the synthesizing of Vitamin D. Vitamin D enables Calcium absorbability and help to strengthen bones. You'd better sunbathe under the shade of trees in summer; in winter, you can have your arms, feet and face basked in the sun.

2. Exercise can strengthen osteoblasts and duration of bones, improving bone blood flow and enhancing bone density. Suggested regular exercises include jogging, walking, Tai-chi, swimming, mountain hiking, rope skipping, dancing. Moreover, riding bicycle, playing balls and doing sit-ups are also beneficial.

3. You can walk more frequently instead of riding motorcycles or bicycles when shopping and going out. You can also climb steps more frequently rather than take elevators.

4. Do warm-up before exercise. If you feel uncomfortable, you should stop exercising right away. Women after 40 should avoid violent or excessive exercises to prevent disorder menses and bone loss. You should conduct BMD inspection beforehand if you need to do violent and strenuous exercises, which may lead to bone fracture if you have Osteoporosis.

5. Keep right posture and do not stoop, in order to reduce the burden of bones.

6. Be careful and keep right posture when taking or moving heavy things. It prevents, especially for the elderly, to harm spines. The elderly should ask young people for help.

7. The elderly and the patients with Osteoporosis should avoid falling down to prevent further injury. They can put an anti-slip mat on the floor in the bathroom, remove unnecessary things and improve indoor light.

8. Have a normal lifestyle- do not stay up, smoke or over-drink.

9. The elderly who kneel down every day due to region customs should avoid the behavior to reduce the burden of bones.

10. Have regular BMD test.


High Risk Groups

¡@People who conform to following categories belong to high-risk groups. They need to conduct precautions in advance and BMD test.

¡´ Oriental and white people ¡´People who seldom sunbathe
¡´Women after menopause ¡´Women who are single or not married
¡´People with slim figure and lightweight ¡´People who keeps sitting in the office
¡´Elderly citizens ¡´Women who don't born babies
¡´People who are under high pressure ¡´People who prefers high protein food
¡´Astronaut ¡´Heavy smoker or alcoholic
¡´Women who have early menarche ¡´People who addict to much coffee or tea
¡´People who have abnormal diets to loose weight ¡´People who take insufficient Vitamin D
¡´Juvenile white-headed ¡´People who have familial senile bone fracture
¡´People who seldom exercise ¡´People who have waist ache
¡´People who take few Calcium-containing food ¡´People who are impotent or have sex dysfunction
¡´People who accept the dialysis ¡´Patients who are bedridden
¡´4omen who have early menopause before forty ¡´People who excises ovary, womb, stomach or small intestines
¡´People who have taken steroids, anti-convulsant medicine, diuretic, anticoagulant, stomach medicine and analgesic over a long period of time
¡´People who have kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, nephrolith, hypercalcemia, hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or cancers.



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