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In addition to keeping fitness and reducing burden of joints, you can follow the suggestions regarding diets below:

1. Avoid fat intake and avoid high-oil foods including fried foods, sausages, pork with lean and fat meat, pork shanks and shortcakes (crisp biscuits).

2. Avoid high-salt (content) foods including high-sodium containing foods which can cause fluid retention and intensify symptoms.

3. Avoid high-sweetness foods like delicate desserts and cakes that result in weight gain and hence burden of joints.

4. Avoid spicy, stimulating, cold and raw foods including chili peppers, shrimps, crabs and melons.

5. Avoid eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. These foods contain solanine that tends to cause pains in muscles and joints easily.

6. Having Histidine-containing foods including rice, wheat and rye. These foods can help to remove retention of metallic elements in the joints.

7. Having more Collagen-containing foods like stewed chicken claws or pork shanks with soy sauce. If we put those foods into the refrigerator, we can see them frozen with gelatin around them, that's because they have Collagen. Collagen is one important element to compose cartilage (soft tissues) and help repair chondrocyte so as to decrease degenerative arthritis possibility.

8. You can intake glucosamine or chondroitin. Glucosamine, existing in cartilage or muscle-tendon and other joint tissues can stimulate cartilage cells to produce more Collagen, Glycoproteins and Glycosaminoglycans. More glucosamine in the cartilage can help generate more Collagen, Glycoproteins and Glycosaminoglycans that help to lubricate joints for healthy cartilage of joints. When aging, glucosamine decomposition emerges faster than composition of glucosamine. Then joints are getting degeneration with lack of glucosamine. Therefore, you can intake foods containing glucosamine to maintain healthy function of joint cartilage.

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